Iomega Corp, Roy, Utah figures it’s finally cleared the hurdles that have barred its high-capacity hard shell floppy drives from the workstation arena: price and capacity. Iomega, as reported briefly (CI No 1,716), has introduced two user-installable Ber noulli Boxes for Unix workstations: a transportable model and a dual system, both holding 90Mb formatted, a significant advance over the old 44Mb capacity Iomega previously achieved. The removable storage systems offer users the warm and cuddily feel ing of crash resistance typically associated with Bernoulli technology and can be configured to boot Unix. Iomega promises hard disk performance with an effective access time of 19ms. They are self-cleaning and rugged, capable of withstanding shocks of more than 1,000 G. Iomega also has a 5.25 600Mb erasable optical disk, its LaserSafe Workstation for back-up and archiving. The products are SCSI-based and can be daisy-chained. Prices are $1,400 for the transportable, $2,600 for the dual and $5,000 for the optical. Iomega will start with Sparc boxes and add Silicon Graphics Inc, IBM Corp RS/6000, Hewlett-Packard Co, Digital Equipment Corp and MIPS Computer Systems Inc kit over the summer as cabling and manuals become available. Iomega aims to enter the floptical business early in 1992 and do a second generation cross of its Bernoulli Box and the floptical in late 1992.