Designed for a new generation of digital audio devices and other products, PocketZip disks are serialized to integrate with popular digital rights management (DRM) systems from Microsoft, InterTrust, and others (support for InterTrust’s DRM has been announced and is in development). PocketZip disks enable secure content to be downloaded and locked to the disk itself, an option not available with most current storage formats. With PocketZip disks, consumers can enjoy downloading and listening to both free and secure music or spoken word content on any compatible player, much as they can today with their collection of CDs.

Iomega has done its homework on the new PocketZip drive, said Jim Cady, president of Rio. We think it will be a solid addition to the mix of storage options we plan to offer in the future.

Even before we announced our new 100MB PocketZip drive earlier this month, we knew we were going to create excitement among industry leaders, said Bruce Albertson, president and CEO, Iomega Corporation. It’s gratifying to be starting at the top with Rio, the pioneer and market leader in portable digital audio players, as our first 100MB PocketZip OEM partner.