Over three quarters of UK companies are planning to expand overseas as they look to take advantage of renewed economic prosperity, a report has found.

Investment in new technology, especially in communications, is central to this expansion as the world become a more connected place, with ‘going global’ viewed by the overwhelming majority of businesses as key to their future growth, according to the Global Pioneering Spirit survey conducted by mobile operator Truphone.

The survey, which covered 650 UK businesses employing up to 500 workers, found that 77% of British businesses say they are planning to expand internationally within the next two years, with 80% of these businesses citing the economic upturn as the primary catalyst for change.

It also found that investment in new or improved technology will form a central part of any proposed expansion, with more than three quarters (76%) planning to spend in order to grow their business.

More than half (59%) of those that have yet to expand globally said they considered insufficient technology or telecoms infrastructure as a barrier to achieving this ambition, and of those businesses that intend to ‘go global’, 60% said they intended to improve their communication infrastructure, and more than three quarters (76%) are planning to invest in other related technologies.

"Historically the UK has been a nation of global pioneers, with the development of international trade a major driving force behind this," said Rob Jones, European Managing Director at Truphone.

"We’re now living in the modern age, where technology has enabled a significant change in the way we communicate with one another around the world. So there’s a particular paradox in the fact that the major barrier UK businesses face is in getting the best from existing communications infrastructure, with many looking to invest in this to make their ambitions a reality."

Truphone customer the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) was cited as a success because of its touring.

Using Truphone, the LSO’s 120 members made more calls than normal and relied less on SMS messages and mail.

"It’s not necessarily about cash savings," said Jeremy Garside, the LSO’s head of technology, "it’s about being able to use the kit in a way that makes sense."

"Truphone is looking at this issue of internationalisation and has a specific set of technologies that are targeted for it."