The combination of Autonomy’s Dynamic Reasoning EngineƔ with the Intraspect 4 platform offers enterprises highly scalable collaborative workspace solutions that easily integrate with existing information technology infrastructures.

Companies can cut operating costs and drive new revenues from existing clients by more effective use of the intellectual capital created in collaborative, team-based work, said Jim Pflaging, president and CEO of Intraspect Software. The combination of Intraspect and Autonomy provides a proven, enterprise scale solution for knowledge capture and reuse that can be tightly integrated into existing business processes and enterprise applications.

Through this new partnership, Intraspect and Autonomy are attacking one of the biggest problems enterprises face, how to put their intellectual assets to work to make knowledge workers smarter and more productive. Autonomy’s technology enables organizations to put their intellectual assets to work by aggregating, associating, and delivering information from an increasingly disparate network of structured and unstructured data sources including messaging systems, internal file servers, Lotus Notes databases, enterprise systems, intranets, and the Internet. Intraspect provides web-based workspaces where people collaborate to get work done by capturing, sharing and reusing relevant information and knowledge. The combined solution enables organizations to bring products and services to market faster and enrich business relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners.

The ‘last mile’ problem continues to dog collaboration tools. The key to usability and relevance at the desktop lies in collaborative software’s ability to focus information streams from many sources on the job context of the team and of the individual participants, said Hadley Reynolds, Director of Research at Delphi Group, Boston. Integrating Autonomy’s dynamic categorization, linking, and profiling technology in the Intraspect infrastructure will lend a level of freshness and domain savvy to knowledge and e-business applications.

Intraspect and Autonomy have co-developed a set of Application Program Interfaces (API), scripts, and templates to give companies an out-of-the-box platform for enterprise collaboration. Autonomy’s technology utilizes powerful advanced pattern recognition to identify the main concepts within text documents, and provide more accurate and relevant content organization and information retrieval from multiple information sources. Once users locate and determine the relevance and importance of information, it is delivered into Intraspect’s workspaces where people collaborate and leverage the value of the information in context.

Partners are a vital part of Autonomy’s business model as they amplify the value of our products and allow us to develop and deliver new and innovative uses of our technology to customers, said Autonomy CEO Dr. Michael Lynch. The joint Autonomy and Intraspect solution empowers enterprises to operate more efficiently and allows customers to harvest and share knowledge to provide better, more repeatable solutions and improve productivity.

Building on an existing OEM partnership, Intraspect and Autonomy will be aggressively marketing and selling the joint solution into targeted vertical markets including high tech, financial services, telecommunications, manufacturing and services. The joint solution is being demonstrated at the Delphi Collaborative Commerce Summit June 4-6 in San Diego, and a joint seminar series will be launched in Summer 2001 to educate customers on the value of the joint solution including business benefits and return on investment. The integrated solution is currently available, and pricing is determined on a per user and per server basis.