InterSystems has released technology additions to its CACHE high-performance object database. The new features provide enhanced reporting, web services security and system management and monitoring.

InterSystems said that the new Zen reports feature built into CACHE eliminate reliance on external reporting tools. Reports can be generated in HTML, .PDF and PostScript formats and can be viewed in a browser or printed in hardcopy form. Changes can be developed to ensure response to user requests for new reports.

The company said that the CACHE extends its support for the WS-Security 1.1 standard. The implementation of WS-Security 1.1 enables development of secure web services that can be completed while ensuring standard adherence.

As a result, the security features including digital signatures, key encryption, creation of X.509 certificates and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertion tokens can be easily implemented, the company added.

Robert Nagle, vice president of at InterSystems, said: “Delivering these capabilities illustrates our commitment to responding to the requests of our global customer base for the features they currently rate as most wanted and needed for their overall success.

“All of these enhancements are complemented by performance improvements in class compilation, XML handling, de-journaling, namespace activation and other areas.”