Interop Technologies, a provider of core wireless for messaging, device management, and gateway connectivity, has released SCOPE Device Management, a subscriber-focused system for managing customer devices on wireless networks.

The company said that SCOPE (Subscriber Capability Originated Provisioning Environment) makes device updates simple by automatically identifying a device problem and enabling a One-Click Fix. SCOPE enables operator customer service representatives or customers using an optional self-care portal to resolve device issues easily.

SCOPE also reduces escalations from Level I service personnel to Level II technicians. Designed to integrate seamlessly into existing SS7-based systems for CDMA or GSM, SCOPE simplifies device management (DM), claimed the company.

According to the company, the comprehensive SCOPE includes a global device database, which contains network configuration information and data on subscriber device capabilities and settings, gathered as sessions take place. It also features a VersatileView User Interface (VVUI), a permissions-based diagnostic tool, which can be set to suit the skill levels of various user groups.

Disparities between operator default values and device settings are flagged, enabling problem isolation and resolution. With one click, a specific setting or an entire device configuration can be automatically repaired, eliminating human error, said Interop.

The company added that users choose the task, and SCOPE determines how to execute most efficiently, using SS7 device programming or Open Mobile Alliance DM standards, or a combination of the two.

John Dwyer, president and CEO of Interop Technologies, said: “SCOPE takes wireless device management to an entirely new level,A subscriber-centric solution, SCOPE helps operators improve first-call resolution percentages and reduce operating expenses. It’s the only DM solution with the One-Click Fix.”