Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ), a provider of internet access and network services, has rolled out LaIT – a new brand that offers services for small and medium enterprises.

The initial service offering consists of LaIT Rental Server, a shared rental server service that supports creation of sites for mobile phones, and LaIT Private Ether, a VPN service that connects remote sites via L2 (layer 2).

IIJ claims that the new brand services reduce system operating costs and administrative costs while enhancing service infrastructure through virtualisation technology.

The LaIT Rental Server service reportedly provides all the features – including mail, web, anti-virus and anti-spam – demanded for a hosting service. It comes with mobile content support to help website creators resolve the problems they face in creating sites that are compatible with mobile devices.

The LaIT Private Ether service establishes a logical L2 connection between service adapters at remote locations for the building of protocol-free networks. The service uses IIJ’s proprietary SEIL/X routers and SMFv2, which enables automatic network configuration. Customers who use B FLET’S or FLET’S HIKARI Next services can create a VPN by plugging in the network adaptors.