The Internet2 (I2) project has said it will launch a middleware initiative to encourage the development of advanced network applications, while IBM Corp has named the three universities that will receive I2 research grants totaling $2.1m. Both announcements came out of the Fall meeting of the I2 project. Big Blue’s grant money is earmarked for the University of Tennessee, Florida International University and Case Western Reserve University for their work on storage, campus infrastructure and multimedia over ATM and IP, respectively. As part of the middleware initiative, IBM has provided storage devices to I2’s Distributed Storage Infrastructure (I2-DSI). StorageTek, a new corporate sponsor for I2, has also pledged its support to DSI, as have Cisco Systems Inc, Novell Inc and Sun Microsystems Inc. In a final demonstration of support for I2, Big Blue has also offered supercomputer and video technology to the International Center for Advanced Internet Research (ICAIR) for the I2 Digital Video Network (I2-IDV).