Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Intermetrics Inc has announced the Mwave Developers Toolkit for developing multimedia applications for the IBM Corp Microelectronics Division Mwave technology. Developers can write new or enhance existing Windows-based applications and incorporate Mwave capabilities and add or enhance Mwave system capabilities using the C development tools to program the Mwave technology environment’s signal processor. The product includes Fax Telephone Mwave Manager; ANSI C Compiler, Mwave Assembler, Mwave Task Linker, Debugger, Librarian, I/O Daemon, Mwave/OS Query, Mwave/OS Monitor and Mwave External I/O Interface tools; Command Line Interface; Library Support and Sample Code. The Toolkit for Windows 3.1 is available now and works with Mwave-based add-in boards and personal computers. System requirements include an MS-DOS machine with a 16MHz 80386 or higher and 8Mb memory recommended. The suggested price is $500.