Interlink Computer Sciences Inc, Fremont, California has bought all rights to Santa Barbara-based Advanced Computer Communications’ Access/MVS TCP/IP to IBM MVS mainframe product. The acquisition includes marketing rights, the program code, and the contracts of 100 existing clients. The product has been renamed Software Network Solution TCP access, SNS/TCPaccess. The company will sell the product direct and through distributors.When SNS/TCPaccess is coupled with an Interlink Network Controller, both IBM and TCP/IP users can log-in to remote systems, transfer files between the mainframe and hosts in a TCP/IP network, transfer print files from TCP/IP hosts to the mainframe, and send or receive electronic mail. It also enables SNA users to log in to remote TCP/IP hosts, and users of remote TCP/IP hosts to access SNA applications located on the SNA network. SNS/TCP-access is compatible with external security systems such as RACF, ACF, and Top Secret. It uses Systems Management Facility to record network statistics, and has interfaces for IBM’s TSO and VTAM. The entry level version of SNP/TCP-access is $60,000.