Interactive Systems Corp is getting a piece of that heavily protested $400m US Treasury Department contract, DMAC II, now that the powers-that-be have finally decided to award it, originally the prize of Sears, Roebuck & Co, to Sysorex Information Systems Inc. Interactive reckons it will sell about 9,200 units or $5m to $8m worth of Unix System V Architech series over the next five years. It also says the International Revenue Service might buy off the contract: the tax gatherers want to buy 15,000 laptops for field workers and has specified that 5,000 of them will run Unix. According to the company’s Federal Systems director Christopher Brown, that represents something like 105,000 units of Interactive’s version of Unix V.3.2 over the next five years. He says the company has delivered 5% to 8% so far.