Intel Corp has given up on the low-end 752 graphics chip it only launched back in April (CI No 3,648). The chip was based around the same graphics processing core used by the 810 chipset, launched at the same time. It was intended to replace Intel’s i470 series and offered improved 3D texture and filtering facilities, along with software DVD support, and cost $19.50 for 10,000 units.
But OEM customers were not impressed, favoring competitive products from Nvidia Corp and ATI Technologies Inc with price tags of around $10, according to The Microprocessor Report. A faster version under development, code-named Capitola, is apparently also being reconsidered and may not reach the market. Links to the i740 page on Intel’s web-site have been removed.
The Report says it believes Intel is still committed to the 810 chipset and subsequent integrated core-logic products, but says that if it cannot also deliver competitive discrete graphics chips, it should reconsider its whole decision to develop graphics technology in-house.