French company Intellitic International SA, Saint Quentin en Yvelines, has withdrawn its Matisse database from the 007 Benchmark for object-oriented databases sponsored by the University of Wisconsin at Madison, claiming the scale of the benchmark was not ambitious enough in the number of simultaneous users and size of the database being run. However Intellitic says it also objected to the size of the fee the university demanded for Matisse to be tested, and questioned the overall objectivity of the testing procedure. It contends that the unbiased nature of the benchmark was compromised when Object Design Inc, another object database vendor, demanded that the university refrain from releasing any numbers on its ObjectStore system. According to Intellitic executive vice-president Pierre Moller, Since Intellitic International does not have any assurance that the financial and technical conditions of this benchmark are consistent for all vendors, we have decided to forego participation. Objectivity, ObjectStore and Ontos were benchmarked on the school’s single-user tests and Matisse was to have been rated on the multi-user test suite.