Dubbed Campaign Radar 2004, no doubt to coincide with this year’s US presidential election, the software aims to track political buzz, trends and insights on popular blog sites.

Blogs, slang for Web logs, are diaries or journals published and shared by users online. The content posted in blogs usually contains word of mouth opinion and viewpoints on various topics.

Radar 2004 is being offered as a free Web service that draws on Intelliseek’s BlogPlulse software which tracks over two million blogs per day. BlogPulse was launched in May this year to showcase Intelliseek’s blog analysis competency. It analyzes and ranks key issues and phrases posted in blog content.

The new service will provide a daily list of hot topics and issues as well as two daily trend graphs (via the Blogsphere Campaign Radar) – one tracking the presidential candidates and the other campaign issues like the Iraq war and the economy.

Blogs represent one of the fastest growing areas of new content on the Internet. Companies, particularly marketing departments, are now looking to tap into blogs as an additional source of market intelligence.

Bloggers serve as a form of early radar on key issues and trends, said Pete Blackshaw, CEO of Cincinnati-based Intelliseek.