Intelligent Environments Plc, the Sunbury-on-Thames, UK web-to-mainframe access company, has reported net losses for the six months to June 30th 1998 up at 0.9m pounds on revenues that rose 27% to 2.6m pounds. At the pre-tax level, profits were up 25% at 2.4m pounds. Losses per share were 3.2 pence. Intelligent Environments is still generating revenues from its client-server business, which grow by 13% over the six months. The company’s future, however, lies in its internet product, Amazon, which was released in February 1996 and is due for a new version soon. In April the company also released its ScreenSurfer software to turn mainframe screens to a web format. The company’s internet product and service revenue grew by 150% and they expect further growth in the second half of 1998. The company generated 2.1m pounds by issuing new shares but spent roughly 500,000 pounds on paying for half of its 1997 US acquisition, Intrepid Inc, in this period.