Intel Corp has unveiled its two-chip set that implements the 32 bit Extended Industry Standard Architecture bus. The set comprises the 82358 EISA bus controller and 82357 integrated system peripheral. There’s also an 82352 EISA bus buffer and 82355 interface chip for add-in boards. The integrated system peripheral integrates direct memory access control, timer counter, interrupt control, bus arbitration and DRAM refresh functions, with 33Mb per second direct memory access transfer rate. The bus controller interfaces with the 8-bit PC and 16-bit AT buses, the 32-bit EISA bus and the host processor, and works with the 80386 and 80486. The bus buffer offers a higher integration for the system board, and native add-in cards can be made using the bus master interface controller. The parts are in 1.5 micron CHMOS III; the bus controller and integrated system peripheral are available now in at UKP72.27 and UKP87.60 for 1,000 up. Samples of the master interface controller are also available at UKP25.55; the bus buffer samples in September at UKP13.69 for 1,000-up. EISA roadshow – see page 5.