Intel Corp passed Motorola Inc to become the largest US semiconductor manufacturer – it’s about a decade since America’s biggest meant world’s biggest – according to Dataquest’s preliminary 1991 Worldwide Semiconductor Market Share Estimates. Based on Dataquest’s numbers, Intel has been the fastest-growing chip producer among the world’s top 10 semiconductor companies over the past five years, with an average annual compound growth rate of 32.6%. On a worldwide basis, Intel moved up one spot to become the fourth largest chip maker, behind NEC Corp, Toshiba Corp and Hitachi Ltd. In 1987, Intel was in tenth place. Since Intel’s semiconductor products are all integrated circuits, the company prefers to look at the ranking in the integrated circuit subset, and here the company moved past Hitachi and Toshiba to take second place after NEC. In Metal Oxide Semiconductor, Intel was already Number One and moved further ahead of NEC.