They’re blaming it all on someone that trusted the stupid spell-checker, but a suspicious Intel Corp is not so sure: the Dallas Morning News on Monday carried a story on the Pentium bug in which Intel appeared as Until Corp, Intel executive Vinod Dham was transformed into Vaned Dam, Microsoft Corp became Microvolts Corp, VLSI Research Inc became VA-LISE Research; Dean Takahashi of the San Jose Mercury News, who wrote the story, got the byline Dean Tuckahoes; Ron Leckie, vice-president of marketing for Megatest Corp was identified as Ron Lackey, vice-president of Megadeaths Corp; Intel, which is finding all this negative publicity very wearing, told the Wall Street Journal Someone there obviously made a conscious effort to satirise it… if somebody put out a spoof as serious news, I wouldn’t be thrilled – but at least Intel is off the hook when it comes to the chip on which the deed was perpetrated – it was prepared on an Apple Computer Inc Mac.