Intel Corp and Oakland, California-based Illustra Information Technologies Inc have signed an agreement to develop a high performance Illustra for Windows NT object-relational database on the Pentium architecture and multi-processor machines, and a superior set of Windows-specific client software tools. Illustra is an object-relational database management system that stores and manages multimedia information. Intel and Illustra have already worked together to develop new media offerings using the Windows NT, Intel and the Illustra system and they see the new agreement as a byproduct of the earlier collaboration. Illustra is now shipping its initial Illustra for iAPX-86 architecture-based Windows NT product. The enhanced version will be available in August. A set of Windows tools offering an improved development environment are also scheduled for deployment through the agreement, including support for Microsoft’s Visual Basic, Open Data Base Connectivity and Object Linking & Embedding. A Schema Browser, a Visual Basic interface to LibMI/MSQL, a Visual C++ interface to LibMI/MSQL, and functions to populate the database from external data sources, as well as for system administration and management, are also being developed under the agreement.