Intel Corp, Santa Clara has brought together several computer and communications industry leaders in a group to develop an open specification for personal computer-based personal conferencing. Joining Intel in the development of the specification, which is due for release in mid-1994, are Compaq Computer Corp, which will contribute personal computer system integration, customer installation and support know-how; Lotus Development Corp, Software Publishing Corp, and WordPerfect Corp, which will develop the support necessary for personal computer software applications to enable document and video conferencing; Ericsson Business Networks AB and Northern Telecom Ltd, which will be providing infrastructure support; Compression Labs Inc, PictureTel Corp and VTEL Inc, which will supply support for existing video conferencing systems; Novell Inc, contributing enterprise networking expertise; VideoServer Inc, providing video bridging support; and AT&T Co’s Communications Services Group, which will be a communications supporter of the spec. According to Intel, the specification will span a variety of communications infrastructures, including analog, switched digital, and computer data networks, and enable collaborative real-time, interactive document and video conferencing across shared personal computer applications. Specifically, it will focus on delivering these capabilities within the existing personal computer environment, at personal computer price points, says the company. According to Intel, current standards do not allow for integrated personal computer work in the personal conferencing environment, or support the full range of personal computer communications infrastructures. End user personal computer products incorporating the technology are anticipated in the latter half of this year, says Intel.