Intel Corp has a new Flash memory architecture that combines the code execution speeds of dynamic RAM with the non-volatile, updatable code storage features of Flash memory. It is a 16M-bit embedded Flash RAM aimed at high-performance embedded systems where code is typically stored in slower and non-volatile memory such as ROM or disk drive and downloaded into DRAMs when the machine is booted. The Intel 28F016XS embedded Flash RAM is faster than DRAM, offering 30nS read performance. It provides zero-wait-state performance at 33MHz and connects to 32-bit, burst-architecture processors. The 28F016XD version has a DRAM interface, so designers can use it to replace dynamics. The architecture is designed to enable reduced embedded system cost and increase performance and time-to-market. All the embedded Flash RAMs support 3.3V system read voltages and feature a times 16 bus interface. Sampling now, the 28F016XS will be out in volume in the first quarter at from UKP40; the 28F016XD follows in volume in the second quarter for UKP35, for 10,000-up quantities.