San Jose, California-based Integrated Workstations Inc has introduced a family of upgradable local area network-based communications centres for businesses with dial-in dial-out communications needs: the company says that Communique Centres simplify support for remote communications applications and multiple site electronic messaging; the bus-based personal computer technology and backplane designs package up to 19 AT personal computers in a single chassis; the systems are installed in any NetWare environment and may be configured as a file server expansion chassis, bridge or router; each centre facilitates the connection of up to 19 dial-in users to a central NetWare network and multiple systems may be combined on a single local area network to support an unlimited number of users; the centres may also be configured for dial-out applications, supporting up to 64 dial-out users per chassis, and an unlimited number when used in combination with other Communique Centers; IWI says that transfer speeds may be improved as much as five times because the 16MHz and 20MHz 80386SX networking computers communicate at bus speeds in excess of traditional transfer rates; each Communique 386 processor supports up to 32Mb of random access memory and may be used in conjunction with any approved third-party application in a NetWare environment; the centres may be upgraded with 80386 or 80486 cards and disk subsystems to perform full NetWare file server functions; prices range from $2,200 to $19,000, depending on the configuration of the centre.