Integrated Computer Solutions Inc has published the Widget Databook, a collection of XT-based widgets and other objects that speed the development of graphical user interfaces. A widget is a user interface component, such as a pushbutton or scroll bar, and the Widget Databook includes those commonly requested by developers when designing applications for OSF/Motif-based interfaces. The databook provides descriptions and pictures and a CD-ROM disk includes the binary code for each widget. Unlike common widgets that offer basic functionality, the company says that the Databook widgets range from generic types not available in Motif to industry specific widgets. The widgets described in the databook can be used with BX, Integrated’s graphical user interface builder, and with any graphical user interface builder that runs under X Window and Motif. The Widget Databook, available now at $10, includes access to six public domain widgets provided in source code form, but additional widgets, provided in binary form, can be accessed by obtaining the required access code from the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Integrated Computer Solutions at prices between $200 to $3,000.