The new language upgrade allows users to execute custom, flexible, and complex searches from a simple web interface – akin to commonly used Internet search portals.

Other new features in InFact 3.0 include enhanced linguistic data representations, improved scalability and support for proprietary ontologies – a capability that integrates an external dictionary of terms.

Insightful CEO Jeff Coombs said the new version of the software will initially be targeted at analysts working in the defense intelligence and bioinformatics sectors.

InFact uses an advanced natural language processing engine to parse the structure of text documents and pick out combinations of sentence components (like nouns and verbs) that connote relationships, actions, or facts. The software stores this information in a structured (serachable) database format.

A key differentiator of InFact, compared to other natural language search tools, is its auto-indexing capability which does not require the hard graft of a hand-entered knowledge bases, manual meta-tagging of documents, or pre-prepared rule books.

InFact runs on Sun Solaris servers and is deployable on desktops running IE, Netscape and Mozilla web browsers.