The new product from the Kazan-based ISV is Inquartos NetworkManager (INM), aimed at corporate networks that run NT, Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. Valentine Kuznetsov, a software engineer with Inquartos, said the product uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) feature built into these OSes to carry out management functions so there is no need to install any additional software on remote machines.

INM ships with a built-in database that provides a central store of inventory information from all the devices under its management. The admin [manually] updates the database only when necessary, which reduces the network traffic generated by the program and allows reports to be generated about remote machines even when they are offline, he went on.

The database also makes it possible for the admin to group machines by logical groups, e.g. by department, regardless of a company’s Active Directory structure. This enables, for instance, new software to be installed and machines to be shut down and restarted from a central console.

Kuznetsov said the product is licensed at a price of $119 per user, regardless of the number of machines managed, with volume discounts depending on the number of licenses purchased. He added that the target market is SMB and added that INM will compete with products such as Dameware NT Utilities, Network Asset Tracker, Assets Tracker for Networks, Ideal Administration and Emco Network Inventory.