Privately-owned personnel management systems firm Inpower Inc has signed a development and reseller agreement with Santa Clara, California-based Edify Corp to enable intranet-enabled personnel modules to access InPower’s Human Resource application server. The InPower HR series is based on a forward engineering system using repository-based information modules for both payroll and personnel, enabling design, implementation and evaluation of personnel policies to business strategies. InPower features include an object-oriented tool set, event driven workflow, optional models for business process re-engineering and security management. Edify’s Electronic Workforce 4.0 provides self-service personnel applications for the development and deployment of interactive on-line personnel services. Unisys Corp is already using Edify’s Electronic Workforce 4.0 to develop on-line interactive service applications that enable employees access to their records using PeopleSoft’s HRMS system. Under the terms of the agreement the new self-service application will be delivered as a set of HyperText Mark-up Language pages to end-user desktops equipped with standard Web browsers. The user accesses the application by providing an ID or personal identification number to enter an employee site. The Employee self-service application will be available in December this year. No prices were given.