Hugh McCartney has left his position as vice-president Northern Europe at Ingres Corp to head a start-up called Implementors UK Ltd, based in Reading. The company will not start operating until next Monday and is financed by venture capitalists VentureLink. It has developed and will market a product called Implementor which McCartney believes will crack CASE in the Unix environment. The idea for the company came about when McCartney was working for Management Science America and franchised off a consultancy organisation in Ireland to Maurice Spillane and Willy Byrne. While the Dublin duo worked as consultants for Management Science they also spent the past four years designing and developing the Implementor product. All this time, McCartney worked in an advisory capacity with them awaiting the day when they would have a product for market. In the meantime he took up jobs such as managing director of Management Science America Ltd, becoming UK managing director of Ingres in January 1990 and then moving on to become Ingres vice-president Northern Europe. He wasn’t expecting the Implementor development breakthrough to come so quickly and thought the product wouldn’t be ready until next year. However, he has complete faith in the product to the extent that unconfirmed gossip says – he turned down the chance to be Ingres world-wide vice-president to take on the challenge of this start-up. The product family itself is aimed at the IBM mid-range and has three prongs: it comprises a design tool on the personal computer, an automatic code generator and a suite of applications. The design tool is written in C with a front end interface written in the Lotus format with the Lotus syntax offering designers a question and answer system through which to define and test elements such as the screen. The code generator produces RPG III for the AS/400 while an automatic code generator for C and the RS/6000 market will be available in the New Year. Implementor also has applications in the distribution, management, human resource and financial areas. McCartney is looking to recruit about a dozen people to help him market Implementor. Next year Implementors UK Ltd will be considering taking the product abroad, either to the continent or to the US. Meanwhile, development work goes on in Dublin.