Informix Software Inc is now shipping Informix-DCE/NET and Global Directory Service. Informix-DCE/NET is communications software that supports DCE Security Service and authenticates clients and encrypts data to the database. Global Directory Service stores and manages database names and locations. DCE/NET enables the company’s Windows-based Informix-NewEra high level language development system and Open Database Connectivity applications to work with Informix databases in Distributed Computing Environment networks. It is $375 per user. Also now available is Informix’s implementation of Information Builders Inc’s EDA/SQL release 3. Enterprise Gateway connects to some 60-odd relational and non-relational databases, including IMS, VSAM, CA-IDMS, Adabas, Oracle and Sybase, enabling information from these sources to be incorporated into Informix applications. Prices are from $20,000 for up to 20 users, $50,000 thereafter and customers must also buy EDA/SQL Server and Data Driver from Information Builders for their particular data source and system. A separate product, Gateway with DRDA, links Informix applications to databases implementing IBM Corp’s Distributed Relational Database Architecture.