CenterView Inc is one of four partners that Informix Inc will trot out at its Workgroup Solutions unveiling. Others are Spider Technologies Inc, Business@Web Inc and Netscape Communications Corp. Like Sybase Inc, Informix is trotting out Netscape-enabled versions of its database. The Online Workgroup Server includes version 7.12 of Informix database plus Object DataBase Connectivity tools and optional Netscape server kit aimed at corporate intranet application development, at $300 per user. There is a $500 workstation edition with Navigator kit. The Workgroup packages are up under Windows NT initially – where corporate developers are doing their workgroup development, according to Informix – Unix versions follow within 90 days. Informix will use CenterView as its partner for customers that want to use Visual Basic to get data from Informix databases. CenterView also enables developers to drop ActiveX into Web pages access. Informix is likely to bundle CenterView kit in Online in future. It uses Spider’s NetDy namics for Java database application development.