Informix Software Inc has begun shipping its Wingz spreadsheet for all Sun Microsystems workstations running under the Open Look graphical user interface, and for Steve Job’s NeXT Computer System. Wingz comes with three-dimensional graphics, and the HyperScript graphical application development environment. Wingz for Sun version 1.0 is $700 for a single user licence, additional licences for one and four users are $500 and $1,500 respectively. And at the same time Informix has also begun shipping Wingz for the NeXT box – it is file compatible with Wingz on the Macintosh. Available through Businessland, it is priced at $700. The Menlo Park, California company says that an international English-language version of Wingz for NeXT is near completion, and that the spreadsheet will run under MS-DOS with Windows 3.0 and under OS/2 Presentation Manager by the end of June.