Informix Software Inc has introduced a new interface to front-end its SQL database products on desktop computers, as reported briefly (CI No 1,340). Wingz-DataLink allows non-SQL literate users of the Informix SQL database to create queries through point-and-click options, while developers can create custom graphics for their Informix database products using the new software. Corporate data from the database can be directly imported into a Wingz worksheet or into a customised system running on machines supported by Wingz, which now include Sun workstations under Open Look as well as the Macintosh. A version for the NeXT computer from NeXT Computer Inc is scheduled for the first half of this year, with OSF/Motif, OS/2 under Presentation Manager and MS-DOS with MS-Windows versions also promised. The Mac version includes user options for connecting through either Apple’s CL/1 product or Informix-Net: CL/1 provides access to data on DEC VAX systems. A low-cost retro-pack for users of Wingz 1.1 on the Apple Macintosh is now scheduled to be available in March 1990. Subsequent releases of Wingz will include the DataLink interface and documentation as standard features. Informix also announced an OS/2 version of its Informix-OnLine multi-media database, announced at Unix Expo last October, and Claris Corp has acquired rights to the technology of the Wingz graphic spreadsheet to develop and enhance its family of productivity software, integrating it with Wingz graphics and spreadsheet facilities. The deal, value not disclosed, includes the HyperScript language. Informix said it would nevertheless continue to support and enhance Wingz for the Macintosh.