New Era 2.0 made its debut at Informix Software Inc’s San Jose, California jamboree last week, where the company kicked off by claiming 20,000 licences all told. Version 2.0 comes with an Application Server Class Library for separating or partitioning into server and client components for processing. A Visual Class Library supports character terminals, Motif and Windows. An automatic create and define master-detail relationship within Window Painter between SQL database tables, does away with the need to write code for the relationships. It also added three new class libraries – Frameworks, Business Graphics and Windows Dynamic Link Libraries. Frameworks is a collection of pre-defined classes and objects, such as pull-down menus for rapid application development. The Business Graphics Class Library provides pre-defined graphics, two and three-dimensions, contour and pie charts and drawing tools. Dynamic Link Libraries enable New Era applications to be split into multiple libraries, reducing program run-time memory requirements, enabling large enterprise application environments to run on personal computers.