Information Highway Media Corp hopes to build a new on-ramp to the information highway that will be opened via the Listen-Up Audio System and an Audio-On-Demand Subscription Service provided through the Cupertino, California-based concern. The device and service will enable users to choose and store a wide variety of audio programming for later listening while driving a car, for example. Slated for delivery in 1995, the Listen-Up Audio System will be a small device that can receive and store up to 10 hours of personalised audio programming in under six minutes using a phone and standard cable television hook-up. Once loaded, the firm says, the unit will fit most car stereo systems or portable audio devices for later playback. Through the Listen-Up product and the Audio-On-Demand service, customers will be able to record audio versions of newspapers, books, television, cable or radio programmes. The company expects to show initial product prototypes by the end of the year and is aiming for a price of under $500, with a monthly service charge for access to the subscription service.