WebFocus Resource Analyzer is designed to track user data requests and better manage BI processing resources. The software works by tracking average of maximum CPU consumption per user request and assesses the impact on both analytical (OLAP and reporting) and transactional (OLTP) systems.

The software serves up over 80 reports, performance indicators and graphics that display detailed information of WebFocus systems and data utilization.

Other features include application resource monitoring and analysis tools to isolate peak usage hours, which Information Builders said is useful for planning backups, maintenance schedules, disaster recovery, data warehouse ETL routines and other batch-driven processing.

Resource management is emerging as an important topic in decision support as corporate data sources rise and companies finally start to expand their once small BI deployments across the enterprise to embrace more operational business users.

The promise of improved business performance has many organizations putting resource analysis and governance assurance at the forefront of their BI needs, said Information Builders CEO Gerald Cohen.

Information Builders did not discuss pricing for the new product that works only with Information Builders’ WebFocus BI software.

New-York based Information Builders has recently under the acquisition spotlight after rumors emerged recently that Hyperion Solutions Corp was preparing to buy the company. Both companies have refused to comment on the speculation. But a source close to Computer Business Review has since said the deal is off.