The School Food Trust, run by the Department for Education and Skills, will deploy Infor’s accounting software, FMS SunSystems, to replace its old cash-based system with an accrual system.

Set up in 2005 with £15m funding, the School Fund Trust is responsible for the quality of food supplied and consumed in schools. It ensures that all schools meet the food and nutrient-based standards for lunch and non-lunch food; increase the take-up of school meals; reduce diet-related inequalities in childhood; and improve food skills through food education, and school and community initiatives.

Till recently, the Trust was using the accounting system used by the Department for Children, Schools and Families. Sapphire, the reseller which is implementing the accounting software at the Trust, has said that the FMS SunSystems has been preferred to the software from other suppliers including Sage and IBS OPENFinancials.

Garry Bell, director of corporate services at the School Food Trust, said: “We drew up a specification and ultimately SunSystems was the best fit for the interrogation we need to do on our data. With SunSystems we are also able to set up flexible reporting systems which are key to our department.”

Infor FMS SunSystems v5 is a single-ledger design, with multi-currency and analysis capabilities. It is complemented by integrated business process functionality for purchasing, sales, and inventory management. The Trust plans to deploy a fully functioning purchase ledger system once it goes live with SunSystems.