Now that most of the buzz has died down about the Open Systems Interconnection buzzword, the OSIware subsidiary of Infonet Services Corp has announced plans to change its name to Infonet Software Solutions. It also has two new distribution agreements, the first an OEM one where it will resell the MailmaX400 Remote User Agent from Norway’s MaXware A/S, and the second is to distribute Alsager, Staffordshire-based Boldon James Ltd’s Enterprise Mail User Agents, worldwide on a non-exclusive basis. The MailmaX400 gives a stand-alone personal computer user access to corporate messaging systems via modem or X25, while the Enterprise Agents are said to provide X400 messaging capabilities for local and wide area network client-server and host environments, running under the likes of MS-DOS, Windows, Unix and Motif. Infonet is based in El Segundo, California, and owned by a string of international telephone phone companies, including France Telecom, Deutsche Bundespost Telekom and MCI Communications Inc. Infonet took a 67% stake in Canadian company OSIWare Ltd back in 1990.