Internet cache start-up Infolibria Inc claims to have humbled more established competitors in a first of its kind performance benchmark of its DynaCache. The bench test, sponsored by two independent affiliates of the US National Science Foundation, the National Laboratory for Applied Network Research and the Cooperative Association For Internet Data Analysis, used PolyGraph software developed by Duane Wessels, the father of the public domain cache software, Squid. PolyGraph emulates the chaotic nature of internet traffic said David Griffiths, Infolibria’s European managing director, and measured Dynachache’s sustained throughput over a full-duplex OC-3 circuit at 3400 operations per second.

This was comfortably ahead of rival products from Novell, Squid and the University of Wisconsin. While other competitors, including CacheFlow, Cisco, Entera and Inktomi all dropped out of the exercise after first trying the PolyGraph test, IBM and Network Appliance both dropped out after the final tests were run, and did not publish the results.

Infolibria says the DynaCache’s ability to dynamically pass on queued inquiries to another DynaCache server gives it the edge against most other competitors which crash as network loads become too high. The Waltham, Massachusetts-based company, recently completed a second $15m round of financing, and began shipping DynaCache, and its purpose built DynaLink Pentium II-based processor platform for the first time this year. รก