CBR lists the most influential CEOs in UK Tech. The names have been taken from the recruitment company, Glassdoor’s list of the ‘Highest rated CEOs 2017.’

Simon Segars- ARM

Simon Segars, who is the CEO of ARM Holdings, a well-known semiconductor and software design company.

Segars joined ARM in 1991 and became the CEO in 2013, replacing Warren East. He is a member of the board of directors at Electronic Design Automation, the Eda Consortium, the Global Semiconductor Alliance and Dolby Laboratories.

Before Segars became the CEO, he held a range of different leadership roles in ARM’s engineering and business development teams.

ARM has successfully become central to the market of mobile revolution, with various chip architectures deployed to power most of the smartphones and tablets around the world.

Next up is a well-known judge for tech awards

Elizabeth Varley-TechHub

Founder and CEO of TechHub, Elizabeth Varley works with over 750 tech companies around the world.

Elizabeth Varley, CEO, TechHub
Elizabeth Varley, CEO, TechHub

The TechHub Company is a global tech start-up community, with the headquarters located in the UK and community hubs in seven cities around the world such as Madrid and Swansea.

Varley is widely known as being a judge for different technology and business awards, and is also a regular conference speaker.

Aside from TechHub, Varley also supports the technology industry in the best ways possible. She was previously a member of the DigitalEve women in technology organisation committee in the UK and has also been a key influencer for STEM, after being a consultant for e-skills UK to encourage girls to get involved in IT and new media.

SMEs are a core focus for the next CEO on our list

Stephen Kelly- Sage

Stephen Kelly became the CEO of Sage in 2014 after over 30 years of experience in leadership positions in the technology sector. Kelly was formerly the CEO of Chordiant Software and Micro Focus International.

Stephen Kelly, CEO, Sage
Stephen Kelly, CEO, Sage

Kelly has a strong interest for Small and Medium Businesses (SME’s) and has previously been an investor for several start-ups.

He was also made the Chief Operating Officer for the UK government and the Head of the Efficiency and Reform Group in 2012.

Over the years, Sage has become a huge company in Britain’s technology sector and arguably stands as the largest independent company in the sector. Before Kelly became CEO in 2014, Sage was no.95 on the FTSE 100 list and has since then soared up to no.52.

Who used to work at BlackBerry before heading up Tech City UK?

Gerard Grech- Tech City UK

Gerard Grech is the CEO of Tech City UK in London, which he became the CEO of after heading global marketing for Blackberry World.

Gerard Grech, CEO, Tech City UK
Gerard Grech, CEO, Tech City UK

With over 15 years of experience in Digital Media, Web and Mobile, Grech became the CEO of Tech City UK in 2014, and has been a director of the Mobile Entertainment Forum since May 2006.

Tech City UK is known for running various programmes across the digital business sector; these range from programmes suited for start-ups, big established businesses or international businesses.

Grech is also well known for hosting of different talk shows set up by the company as part of its impact to UK businesses.

It’s a jungle out there for our next CEO

Emma Sinclair- EnterpriseJungle

Emma Sinclair is the co-founder and CEO of the enterprise software business, EnterpriseJungle, now a partner of SAP.

Emma Sinclair, CEO, EnterpriseJungle
Emma Sinclair, CEO, EnterpriseJungle

Sinclair is described as one of Europe’s leading business women, with core expertise in entrepreneurship and innovation. She was awarded an MBE for her entrepreneurship services in 2016.

Her career experiences range from industries such as banking and technology. Sinclair also explored a background in investment banking, where her early years were spent in mergers and acquisitions at NM Rothschild in the UK and USA.

She is also the youngest person in the UK to have her company on the stock exchange, which she made possible aged 29.

The EnterpriseJungle has previously been recognised for its innovation as a business and was listed as a finalist in the Pinnacle Awards 2015.