Every industry innovation, be it profound or trivial, has to have its own industry body to further its interests these days, and so a RAID Advisory Board has been established to promote Redundant Array of Independent Disk technology and co-ordinate disk array standardisation, and it held its first meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota earlier this month: the RAID Advisory Board consists of 10 charter-member companies – Array Technology Inc, Ciprico Inc, Core International Inc, Data General Corp, Hi-Data Arrays Ltd, IBM Corp, NCR Corp, Seagate Technology Corp and Technology Forums, whose president, Joe Molina, chairs the new organisation, which is chartered to promote RAID technology, stimulate and co-ordinate RAID standards; influence disk drive suppliers; share resources developed or acquired by the new organisation; and identify target markets for rapid acceptance of RAID technology; it aims to create and disseminate standard RAID terminology, including a RAID Glossary and RAID Level definitions endorsed by the RAID Advisory Board, and development of a common set of RAID requirements for both host and disk drives for use in RAID products, and acquiring test suites for RAID performance evaluation and testing.