Aggregate sales of AMD flagship products – PC processors and flash memory devices – increased by 33% from the like period of 1999. Total company sales increased by 21% from the fourth quarter of 1999. In the fourth quarter of 1999, AMD reported total sales of $968,710,000 and net income of $65,080,000, which amounted to $0.21 per diluted share.

Annual sales for 2000 set a new record at $4,644,187,000, 63% higher than 1999. Net income of $983,026,000, or $2.89 per diluted share, was also a record. Results for 2000 included a one-time net gain of $189,203,000 from the sale of the company’s voice communications business (Legerity) and the retirement of senior secured notes. Net income excluding the one-time net gain above amounted to $793,823,000, or $2.36 per diluted share. In 1999 AMD reported sales of $2,857,604,000, which resulted in a net loss of $88,936,000, or $0.30 per share.

Despite the PC slowdown, AMD achieved record unit shipments of nearly seven million PC processors during the quarter. Over the year the company gained market share in the PC processor arena, with more than 26.5 million total units sold.