Marketing director Andrew Morbitzer said Imperito decided that the small end of the market, which we’re not really going to sell much to, was the most exposed end of the market… they feel the most open to attack.

Imperito wants to focus on its mid-to-large tier offering, Access Global, and Morbitzer said the company hopes that some larger companies that try out Access Site at the department level will consider upgrading to the Global offering.

But despite the fact that the company is currently only offering small businesses a one-year license for free, and only if users sign up before March 31, Morbitzer said Imperito does not plan to spring license fees on users that take up the offer at a later date.

If demand supports it, we will continue to offer something, he said. We’re guessing there will be some larger enterprises that try this in a department and come back to us for more seats… It’s not our intention to get the small businesses hooked.

The company also hopes to realize some revenue through support services, which do not come for free. Companies will be able to purchase per-incident phone support or upgrade to a full license, inclusive of support and version upgrades, for the regular price.

Morbitzer also said the company is in the process of exiting its managed security services business (on the basis that the world’s tech giants are more suited to that) to focus on its VPN software sales. Its chief selling points are integrated PKI and support for wireless access protocols.

Source: Computerwire