Ilog SA, the French software tools developer, has announced a C++ library that is dedicated to resource scheduling. The company, which markets a number of C++ modules aimed at varying business applications, is touting its Ilog Schedule software component at anyone that needs help with resource allocation, task scheduling or combinations of the two. It is priced at UKP20,000, and users buying the package within the introductory three-month period can benefit from a 15% discount. The library uses the Paris company’s Solver engine for choosing solutions, and can be tagged into other components, including Ilog Views for graphically displaying the results, and Ilog DB Link for hooking into into relational databases. It will be available from April, running on Digital Equipment Corp Ultrix, Hewlett-Packard Co HP-UX, IBM Corp AIX and Sun Microsystems Inc Solaris workstations, and also under Windows.