Ilog SA, Paris, France, has a a C++ version of its constraint-based programming tool Pecos. The company claims it has the same functionality as Pecos version 1.1, written in its version of Lisp. Constraint-based programming is an artificial intelligence technique that finds the optimum way to allocate means and resources. Due by the end of the year, Pecos C++ costs UKP7,000 on Unix workstations.Lexington, Massachusetts-based Oasys Inc will be showing off its Native Sparc Tools. Integrated with Sun’s native assembler-linker, the software development kit for Sparc includes version 1.8.6 of the Green Hills Compilers (C, C++, Pascal and Fortran) and the multi-language, X Window-based multi-debugger. The initiative was prompted by Sun’s recent decision to unbundle its own compiler, the company claims. The product currently supports Solaris 1.0 with 2.0 support under development. The tools ship in September; no prices given.