Agent X Press’ functionality includes online policy inquiry for billing and claims information, plus quoting, application submission and issuance.

IDP president & CEO Gary Gilbert says Agent X Press was developed in response to growing needs among small P&C insurers to provide agents and MGAs with web-based policy processing, and to lower internal costs associated with existing agent-response methods.

According to Mr Gilbert, many small P&C insurers are employing phone and fax to field their agents’ inquiries and to provide quotes. But agents may face situations where they require feedback during off-hours. Web-based Agent X Press makes the insurance company’s inquiry, quote and related functions available to the agent network 24 hours every day.

The software’s purpose is to help agents achieve greater customer satisfaction through quick response to customer enquiries, and to help agents capture additional sales. In operation, an agent enters a customer’s name or unique identification data, such as policy number. They can then obtain the status of a bill or a claim, or obtain an accurate quote, in seconds. Subsequent to providing a quote, Agent X Press will permit the agent to electronically submit the application to further speed the process that may lead to a sale.