Raduchel will be featured in the June 18 issue of InfoWorld’s CTO magazine and honored at a reception on June 19 at San Francisco’s Palace Hotel during InfoWorld’s CTO Forum.

Raduchel was chosen to receive this top honor out of over 50 CTOs nominated by a senior team of InfoWorld editors. Selection was based on achievements between June 2000 and June 2001 with criteria including size of company, internal and external user constituency, and an evaluation of the technical infrastructure managed by the candidates.

I’m delighted to be recognized by InfoWorld with this great honor, said Raduchel. As the CTO of a company with ties to millions of users, knowledge of business trends as well as technology innovations is critical to maintaining our leadership position. AOL Time Warner fully supports the synergistic relationship between business and technology so that we can truly influence and shape the industry in rapid-growth areas such as broadband applications.

As technology strategists, CTOs must constantly introduce new technologies into their organizations without disrupting the overall business, said Michael Vizard, editor in chief, InfoWorld, InfoWorld Online and CTO magazine. Bill Raduchel is one CTO who possesses all of the qualities, including business acumen, common sense and diplomacy, that add up to a top-notch CTO.