An independent division of ICL Espana SA by the name of Medusa has emerged, whose aim is to offer professional users high-quality access to the Internet. Speaking recently to Computerworld Espana, division head Javier Lopez Otero explained that ICL Espana began to explore possibilities of providing access for its clients about a year ago. It contacted Unipalm Group Plc’s Pipex and an agreement was forged to provide access from Spain. Medusa is mainly targeting businesses with its Internet services, which cover access, consultancy, security, configuration and corporate network integration. The Medusa division has its own commercial structure, with sales and marketing channels that operate independently of ICL Espana, but it also takes advantage of its parent’s commercial network to offer its products and services to key ICL clients in Spain. Otero declared that Spanish interest in the Internet has grown considerably in 1995, but he believes that its development in Latin countries such as Spain has been severely hindered by the language factor. It is estimated that the Internet has attracted only some 300 to 400 networks, 30,000 computers and 250,000 users in Spain. Medusa aims to connect 1,000 businesses within the next three years and Otero predicts that the number of professional Internet users Medusa can sign will increase at a rate of 10% to 15% a month.