ICL Enterprises has launched the EnterpriseHR human resources consultancy business on the back of its experience of using the Resumix personnel management software from the Santa Clara, California-based company of the same name. The two companies have signed a strategic alliance for joint development of their businesses through the supply and support of personell services. The consultancy and service implementation provided by EnterpriseHR will support Resumix’s sales drive to introduce the system into the the UK and continental Europe. ICL will offer bespoke services to customers that don’t want to invest in such software for themselves. The service will include analysis of a company’s staffing needs and any necessary changes in the recruitment process, as well as customising the Resumix system to the client’s needs and helping with implementation of the system. Resumix is more than a software package, according to David Sillitoe, director of resource services at the new business. He has been using Resumix for 18 months at ICL for internal and external recruitment. It was also used for recruitment of the 540 staff hired to run the National Lottery. The software can be used to match skills of job applications against the profile the employer has entered for a specific job. It can identify hard skills such as qualifications and soft skills such as communication or teamwork skills. Sillitoe is adamant that it won’t prejudice an applicant’s chances because the competence levels are determined by experts and not the product. Curricula Vitae can be entered into the system using optical scanning and are then entered into the ASCII database or via electronic mail, or they can be faxed in directly. As well as recruitment the software can be used as a database of staff skills within a company and identify gaps where training would be useful. The software is also used by Motorola Inc and Northern Telecom Ltd.