ICL Plc has added four more models to its DRS 6000 Sparc-based system line, including two entry-level boxes and two top-end machines, along with new disks, memory boards, tape drives and back-up system. The DRS 6000 Level 20 and 30 slimline models respectively use 25MHz and 33MHz Sparc processors, with prices starting from UKP23,000 for the Level 20 and UKP31,000 for the Level 30, and they are available immediately. The Level 60 is a 40MHz uniprocessor, while the Model 70 uses two 40MHz SPARCs, rated at 58 MIPS – it is ICL’s second multi-processor, following the launch of the Level 65 in the spring. Pricing on the Level 60 machine starts at UKP67,000 and the Level 70 is from UKP106,000 both available next month. All four run ICL’s implementation of Unix System V.4. ICL now also offers a 1.2Gb disk drive, 64Mb and 128Mb memory boards, 8mm tape, and the M10 low-cost colour terminal.