And in a busy day for ICL software, it also has a new release of Officepower, the office automation software for Unix that it inherited from Computer Consoles Inc. ICL says that the new Version 6.50 is completely re-engineered to create an Open office integrator with broader support for personal computers as terminals by adding Powerwindows, based on Microsft Corp’s Windows 3.0, enabling users to access multiple Officepower, MS-DOS and Unix applications concurrently, and cut and paste between them. Officepower now recognises Wordperfect Corp’s eponymous word processor as an Officepower object, so users can access it via the standard Officepower menu, and mail Wordperfect documents to other users of either; it has tailorable menus and soft keys that can be set at group level. A new Powerkit 6.50 adds custom interface software for efficient driving of printers at the C code level, and Graphcap to define graphical terminal types. It also adds X400 messaging, FTAM interworking and ISO 8802 Transport Level communication.