ICL North America Business Systems, Irvine, California wants to turn the OfficePower office automation software developed by its predecessor, Computer Consoles Inc, into an industry standard in the Unix market by licensing it to other manufacturers. The first alien implementations are to be done for Sun Microsystems Inc, Unisys Corp’s Convergent, and Sanyo/Icon machines. OfficePower will be offered as an option by the other manufacturers, with sales and support handled by ICL. The agreements come und er ICL’s new co-operative marketing partnership programme, but at pres ent apply only in the US. Implemen tation of Officepower 5.0 on the Sun-3, Convergent’s CT Server 386 and 68010 S-series, and Sanyo/Icon systems is under way; others are planned. ICL reckons OfficePower, with over 100,000 users worldwide, is third in the Unix office stakes with over 100,000 users worldwide.